Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A little warm-up

I'm in a nosey mood! If you feel so inclined, please share your Christmas trees!

Here's mine:

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, 1 December 2011

One Month To Go!

And I need your help!

I've been looking for linky widget things to make linking to your blog posts easier and wondered if you would all mind helping me test this one out! I'm not sure if it's going to work the way I want it to ... NB IT MUST BE A LINK TO THE ACTUAL POST, NOT JUST A GENERAL LINK TO YOUR BLOG.

Please could I ask you all to post a photo, any photo, on the blog you'll be using for this challenge, add some text to it and then link to it here! We'll see if it works! Thank you all and I can't wait for the challenge to begin!!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Grab yourself an (un)blinkie!

Oooh look, we have our own little badge! If you feel so inclined, please go ahead and add this unblinkie button thing to your blogs and signatures on forums (where allowed! Don't go breaking any rules now!). If you do add it anywhere, I would be hugely grateful if you could link it to the blog :)

Click on the graphic and save it to your computer, then you should be able to add it easily to wherever you fancy!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

It's a Leap Year!

I've just been informed by an interested party (thanks Lisa!) that 2012 is actually a leap year! All the more reason to join in with the challenge! What will you do with your extra day?

I'm so pleased with the response so far! There are now over 20 people interested in joining in with the challenge, from UKScrappers, BubblyFunk and ReadItSwapIt! So exciting :)

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Testing ... Testing

I now have no excuses for not updating my blogs regularly. Thanks, blogger app. I think.

365 photos

NB. I know this is not a very pretty place at the moment, but it will have a lovely makeover in time for the new year! Excuse the randomness of the photos and general chaos as I try out different templates. I probably should do this in private ...

On 1 January 2012 I hit the big 40! So I thought it would be fun (insane) to try and document my 40th year on a daily basis in photographic form. I know Project365 has been around for a good few years now, and every year I've thought about joining in, but decided not to as I have a terrible track record for never seeing anything through to the end! I knew I would never keep up with lugging my DSLR (much as I love it!!) around, and the laborious task of connecting and uploading the photos - no way that was going to happen on a daily basis! (Lazy? Moi?)

Upon receipt of my shiny new iPhone4 (not the 4S, I was too impatient to wait!) I very quickly became addicted to snapping anything that moved (or didn't!) with the fabulous camera, and editing the sometimes very dodgy snaps with a plethora of apps and ending up with amazing results! Sharing the photos is speedy and satisfying - I usually upload to Instagram and quickly get loads (well, 10 or so) of lovely likes to boost the ego, and sometimes I'll post to Twitter and Facebook too, just to share the joyousness that is iPhone photography! (If you haven't got an iPhone, well ... you haven't got an iPhone!).

So all this led me on, one chilly October Wednesday, to the idea of doing Project365. As is my wont, I quickly got carried away, envisioned a humungous following from adoring people on UKScrappers, BubblyFunk, Twitter, Facebook and any other social platform/forum I could think of and at the end of the dream took over the world!

So here's the deal.

Beginning on 1 January 2012, every day I will post a word. I'll Tweet it and Facebook it too. You do NOT have to use this word, but should you feel so inclined, snap a picture inspired by the word. Or inspired by anything that is happening in your life RIGHT NOW. Upload your photo to your blog if you have one, Facebook it (I know you have that!), Tweet it, Instagram it, Flickr it, (I will set up a cozy group just for us ... I'll probably call it Suzies365ers, as I'm such an egomaniac). And that's the end of your obligation. At the end of the year, you will have a fantastically marvellous account of what you got up to/were inspired by in the wonderful year of 2012, when Suzie turned 40! What more could you ask for?!

Now, as mentioned above, all you have to do is post your photo somewhere ... BUT (yes, there's always a but) there are a few things I would like you to do additionally:

1. If you leave a comment on this blog, please LINK DIRECTLY to your photo of the day, not just a general link to your blog.
2. TAKE A PHOTO EVERY DAY!!! You don't have to post it every day, you could batch post once a week, or whatever works for you. BUT (there's another one!) I want a NEW photo every day. You can of course take more than one photo a day.
3. If you leave a comment directing people to your blog, or post a photo to the Flickr group, please take the time to spread the love and happiness by commenting on a few other posts. It makes people happy.
4. You do not need a fancy camera for this. ANY camera is perfect for documenting your life!

DISCLAIMER (oh yes ...)
Contrary to popular belief, I do have a life and I am human. Plus I will be 40 and the brain cells will begin self destructing. I will utterly try my best to post the word at least on Twitter and Facebook (coz I can do that from my iPhone - did I mention I had an iPhone?!) every day. I can't guarantee the blog will be updated on a daily basis. In fact I can pretty much guarantee that it won't be updated on a daily basis. But the word will be out. And I will attempt to post my picture to Twitter, Facebook and Flickr daily.

I hope lots of you will do the same!