365project Where it all began ... I think

Tips and Tricks from the very marvellous Shutter Sisters Their whole site is an awesome place for photographic information and inspiration.
Some more "stick with it" tips from Photojojo If you have money burning a hole in your pocket and are into photography in a serious way, they have lots of lovely things to spend your dosh on!
Some more fun ideas for a photo a day from Photojojo here ... not entirely sure I could do a self portrait a day though!
iBecks on UKScrappers (I don't think she's around much any more) posted THIS really helpful DSLR guide - great tips in here if you're just starting out with a DSLR!
The Morgue File (don't be put off by the name!) is a great resource for learning about photography. There's a whole course waiting for you right there ... mainly geared to DSLRs, but I'm sure a compact camera user would pick up some fantastic tips too!
2Peas in a Bucket ran a free 12 week photography course a few years back - aimed at beginner photographers using all types of cameras. CLICK HERE for the 2Peas Photography home page, then search '2008' and submit - the lessons are right at the bottom. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to link to these - sorry about that!
Some more GREAT TIPS on sticking with it.
Some interesting ideas on how to keep up the enthusiasm here!