Thursday, 1 December 2011

One Month To Go!

And I need your help!

I've been looking for linky widget things to make linking to your blog posts easier and wondered if you would all mind helping me test this one out! I'm not sure if it's going to work the way I want it to ... NB IT MUST BE A LINK TO THE ACTUAL POST, NOT JUST A GENERAL LINK TO YOUR BLOG.

Please could I ask you all to post a photo, any photo, on the blog you'll be using for this challenge, add some text to it and then link to it here! We'll see if it works! Thank you all and I can't wait for the challenge to begin!!!


  1. Hmmm, I seem to be having problems with this, Suzie... It didn't want to load just from my blog post link, so I tried the option to try loading directly from the picture address & it's still processing...

  2. Oh... looks like it's done it now, after all. I'm obvioulsy just not patient enough LOL!

  3. Not plugging my giveaway Suzie - was just that was literally the blog post I've just done today.

  4. Ooh! Just spotted this request & will have to do this for you tomorrow as it's waaaay past my bedtime right now...just logging off!! Hope that'll be OK?!!! :)

  5. Ok Done!! I just linked to todays post...hope that was I need to sign up for inlinks myself to be able to play along or will we just be linking here like I did today? Can you tell I'm not a natural techie!!! ;)

  6. Ok I've attempted it but not sure if it's worked, shall wait and see I suppose!
