Saturday 5 May 2012

Day 126

Lots of catching up done last night! But still a fair amount to go ....

 Our word for today is


These boys had a rough game today, losing 5-1, but at least my Freddie scored their only goal!
Look at these! If you have a flickr account you can do the same using the Big Huge Labs mosaic maker! How awesome do they look?! I'll show you March and April once they're complete :).  I got the idea from Amy Tangerine!


  1. You are obviously on a mission to catch up Suzie - enjoy!

  2. Brilliant, I wanted to know how to do this, now I will be distracted from scrapping for another hour :)

  3. I love this mosaic, thanks for showing us, I will surely use it. By the way, what font did you use? It's gorgeous.

    1. Thanks Anne! x The font is called ikihoogla. Think it's from

    2. Thank you Suzie. Found it. It is so gorgeous ! I have tried to use a different font for each of my 365+1 photos, matching the word when possible. I plan to make a document of all these fonts and share with everybody. Some are really cool ! Off to see the Avengers now !

  4. I don't know what I have done wrong? I set up a set for the January photos on flickr. I linked it to the collage but it is only sharing about half the photos. The rest wont show, have you any ideas? Big Huge Labs just say that it is because the source photographer has not given permission to show photos. I have checked my permissions and they all seem the same for all the photos!

  5. Wierd, I just went back in and they were all there :) Thanks Suzie great toy.

  6. Well done Freddie !!!!!!!!
    Suzie, I love the "dirty" frame around your photo.

  7. Good to see you having a catch up, Suzie. Like the idea of making a collage for each month. I've just done one on picasa for January - you can see is here - more to come soon. x

  8. Sorry, got the link wrong - try again:
    here x

  9. thanks for this will have a play, Iam learning so much doing this challenge

  10. I've now made collages for January - April and blogged them and also linked on FB - enjoyed doing this - thanks for the idea, Suzie x

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Well done Freddy. Love the collage on Flickr- must make sure I upload them all. I have been doing a collage on Picassa- but need to make sure I get all of April first. THink I am still missing a prompt- think it was 'bold'.

  13. You are really catching up Suzie. I love the collages.

  14. Great shot of the boys :) Well done Freddie xx
