Friday, 13 January 2012

Day 13

Happy Friday the 13th everyone!

Today I want you to show me something ...

inside your fridge!

Here's mine ... not a whole lot going on, and no organisation, but we do have BEER! Waiting for shopping delivery and then it will be nice and full :)


  1. Brilliant Suzie! I laughed out loud when I saw todays prompt! brb!!

  2. Your fridge looks too darn organized! LOL I wish mine was.

  3. An interesting one today. Never expected this one! I had fun.

  4. I didn't like this one but I really don't know why :0) Am loving doing this though and there have been some to make you think this week. Thank you. Enjoy the weekend.

  5. Oh fridges made me shudder lol when I saw the prompt. Beer of course is an essential. I went for my work fridge.
